12th Korea-China-Japan joint symposium on Carbon Materials to Save the Earth (CSE2014)
韓 有進(Yu-Jin Han)さん、楊 建校(Jian-Xiao Yang)さんがポスター賞を受賞しました。
<発表題目> Improvement of rate performance of natural graphite in Li ion batteries by introducing CFx functionalities on the surface <発表者>Yu-Jin Han, Choonghyeon Lee, Jin Miyawaki, Jyongsik Jang, Seong-Ho Yoon <発表題目> Preparation of isotropic pitch based carbon fiber from the cocarbonation of the soluble fraction of hyper coal and EBO <発表者>Jian-Xiao Yang, Osamu Kato, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon