Carbon Saves the Earth
国際シンポジウム(第11回 CSE)
国際シンポジウム (第11回 CSE)
We are very pleased to announce that the 11th International Symposium on Carbon Saves the Earth - Novel Materials and Processes for Energy Devices and Environmental Protections and 3rd KU-KIER Joint Symposium on Green Energy Processes and Materials will be held at Unzen National Park in Nagasaki Province from November 10th to 12th, 2013. The motivation and aim of the meeting is to foster the cooperation of science and engineering of materials and processes for energy saving, cleaning, storage and conversion, and also for environmental protection, where methods in one field are used for solving the problems of the other fields, and vice versa, having in mind the need to strengthen the fields which are "in between". The symposium covers areas that are included to